Saturday, January 4, 2025

How To Quit Your 9 To 5 Job: The Right Way

How To Quit Your 9 To 5 Job: The Right Way


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Nowadays, having a stable job can be both a blessing and a curse. It is a form of blessing because you can get compensation for every work that you do. On the other hand, working, in the long run, is slowly turning into a nightmare because it is becoming your daily routine that sometimes can be physically and mentally draining without growth.

As a result, some of you may have thought of quitting your 9-5 job and wanting to live your life based on how you envisioned it before you started to fall into the system. But we can’t deny that having a job is a big deal and it is extremely necessary especially that we are in the pandemic year.

Having a stable job is a form of security not for ourselves but also for our family. Like Taylor Swift said, “We got bills to pay.” So, quitting your current job is a big decision to make because you have to consider many things before coming up with a firm decision.

If you already made up your mind, here’s some right ways that might help you get a final decision on whether or not to keep your 9-5 job:

1. Before you quit your job, make sure that you already secured your work in another company

Some of you are aware that finding a job is never easy and it requires a lot of patience especially when it comes to waiting for the reply of the company that you are eyeing.

It is the reason why it is necessary to seek job offers first from other companies before deciding to quit your current job. Furthermore, you have to be sure that you have an alternative option if your plan doesn’t work the way you want it to be. But, if you can’t find yet a company to land for after your resignation, maybe you should wait for a little time before quitting your job.

2. You have to start planning for the transition of your team (and follow through)

If you decide to quit your job, you have to think about your workmates. If you have many goals within your team, you have to create a plan on how you will achieve those goals given that you are leaving the company. Don’t leave them behind. Take into account how you can make this transition as smooth as possible for them, as well as what shift methods make the most sense for your position.

Here are some ways that might help you in planning a transition plan:

  • Who relies on you right now?
  • What projects or processes would stop completely if there was no one to fill your spot (and how can you make sure they keep rolling without you)?
  • Who can you train to fill in for you?
  • Do you know anyone who would be a good fit for your position, and can you refer them?
  • How can you work ahead before you leave to ease the lift?

Be sure that you will not skip this method before telling your leader or boss about quitting your job. In this way, you can make sure that you did all the necessary things that you need to achieve as part of that company.

3. Be honest with your boss

Before leaving the company, you should talk to your boss about this serious matter. You have to tell them by yourself and to explain what’s the reason for you to leave.

You should give prior notice to your company, a minimum of two weeks before sending your resignation. In that way, it will give some time to the company to adjust and to find people that will do your job.

When talking to your boss about your resignation, don’t forget to be calm. Don’t beat around the bush and be straightforward. Also, be firm with your decision of quitting your job. Lastly, don’t forget to thank your boss because you gain a wonderful experience that can help your career in the future despite everything that you felt during the job.

Always remember that you just have to be honest if your boss asks you further questions about your resignation.

4. You should send your company your formal resignation letter

Some companies still require their employee to email a notice stating when and why you’re leaving in addition to giving your notice in person. Don’t be too stressed about it. This resignation letter is a form of just formality between the employee and the company.

Here are some important things to help to write your resignation letter:

  • Start with the positives in a brief introduction (for example, “It has been an honor to work for this company . . .”). But no need to lie if there are no positives to mention.
  • Say clearly that you’re resigning from your position.
  • State your reason for leaving.
  • Mention when your last day in office will be.
  • Close with a statement of gratitude for the opportunity and learning experience.

5. Ask for references

When leaving the company, you have to make sure that you are on good terms with your boss or supervisor. With that, it will not be difficult for you to request a letter of recommendation from them. The letter of recommendation coming from your boss or supervisor will serve as your key for your future career endeavors.

6. Tell your workmates

After telling your boss about your resignation, you also have to inform your co-workmates as well about your decision. In that way, they will have an idea about the adjustment that they should make when you leave the company. Also, you never know that you might work again in the same company. Always remember that in getting a job you have to keep your connections, don’t build your bridges.

7. Consult the HR Manager of the company to tie up the loose ends.

Finally, you have to deal with some logistical details that you need to clear with your HR Manager to have a peaceful exit.

So, here are some details that you need to ask your HR Manager when resigning from your company:

  • What are the benefits of ex-employees of the company?
  • Get up to speed regarding your 401(k)—if and how it can be transferred.
  • Lastly, details regarding your last paycheck.

8. Ask for an exit interview

Usually, some companies require their employees to undergo an exit interview with regard to your experience with their company.

You don’t have to be nervous about this exit interview because it is just a casual talk between you and the interviewer. They will just ask you questions that are related to your job in the company and they might ask about your plans after leaving the company. Just be calm and just answer it honestly.

Nonetheless, quitting your job is a big responsibility that you have to take but always remember the reason why you want to quit and have a positive outlook after leaving your job. The process is too stressful but at least you did it the right way.

Leaving is not the ending, instead, it is a new beginning to explore more opportunities in growing your career in the future.

This article has been initially published last

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